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Image by Aaron Birch

Developing Rhythms

"Learn the unforced rhythms of grace."

Matthew 11:29 (MSG)

We have been on a journey of experiencing God, rooted in the truth that we are first and foremost loved by God. This journey reveals the core of our desires, acknowledges our powerlessness, and encourages partnership with the Spirit to cultivate the inner conditions necessary for continual spiritual transformation. This journey emerged from our community's longing to experience God more deeply—to recognize God's presence in our daily lives, to hear God's voice, and to embody our beliefs. Here this:

The movement from desire to discipline is important: What shapes our actions is basically what shapes our desire. Desire makes us act and when we act what we do will either lead to a greater integration or disintegration within our personalities, minds and bodies—and to the strengthening or deterioration of our relationship to God, others and the world. The habits and disciplines we use to shape our desire form the basis for a spirituality... Fundamentally this is what spiritual transformation is all about—choosing a way of life that opens us to the presence of God in the places of our being where our truest desires and deepest longings stir.(Ruth Hailey Barton, Sacred Rhythms)


Our hope for you is that as you come to more fully embrace your belovedness and attend to your desires in God's presence, your longing for a deeper, more intimate relationship with God will continue to expand as you experience more of God's transformative presence. Our prayer for you is that you remain attentive to and steadfast in the evolving invitation to develop (or re-develop) and maintain a life-giving rhythm of spiritual practices that cultivate this hope while nourishing your body, mind, and soul.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. (Matthew 11:28-30, MSG)

We’ve practiced a variety of ways of being present with God, all of which contribute to an inner spaciousness to live freely and lightly in the presence of God and within the beauty and brokenness of our world that becomes increasingly instinctual over time. There are many more practices to discover and experience; an infinite creativity for combinations and adaptions for different life seasons and uncovered desires.


You are invited to use the following questions from Barton's book, Sacred Rhythms*, to reflect on developing your own rhythm of practice tailored to your current season of life.


Choose a version of the song "Take Me As I Am" (Emily Brimlow/ Common Hymnal) to listen to either in preparation for your reflection (4:34; sung by Rashid Saint-Fleur) or while you reflect (11:30; original).

(Use the arrows on either side to navigate to the next page of the practice.)

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