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Experiencing the Presence


Throughout the year, we’ve focused on understanding the Spirit of God, yet recognizing God's voice or presence in daily life remains elusive for many of us. So for three weeks this summer, we engaged in and reflected on practices that nurture deeper connection and intimacy with God. A brief summary of each week and the practices we tried are available here for ongoing practice.


That approach aligns with our community values of "resting for peace" and "reflecting for wisdom" and served as a form of resistance to cultural individualism by encouraging communal experiences and reflection of spiritual practices.


These resources use God, Jesus, and Spirit interchangeably. You are encouraged to identify with the name of God that resonates most with you at this time (e.g., God as Father/Mother/ Creator/Provider; Jesus as Brother/Emmanuel/ Redeemer; or Spirit as Advocate/Defender/Comforter) throughout these practices.


Remember, every prompt is simply an invitation and be gentle with yourself. Feel free to refrain from engaging in any practice or any part of a practice at any time, but you are encouraged to pay attention to what is happening inside you in those moments and to process what thoughts and feelings arise with a soul friend.


Beginning as Beloved

Prepare for the Second Session

Attend to your Desire: 

As you begin your reflection, take time to enter the kind of quiet that enables your soul to "come out" in God's presence.


Ask yourself: What words, phrases, prayers seem to most consistently capture my sense of longing for God and for spiritual transformation as I am experiencing it these days? What do I sense is most needed these days?


From Sacred Rhythms, Chapter 9 by Ruth Hailey Barton


Attending to Desire

Prepare for the Third Session

Acknowledge the Mystery of Spiritual Transformation and Your Powerlessness to Bring it About

Ask: In what area(s) of my life right now am I most aware of my need for transformation and my powerlessness to bring it about? Acknowledge your powerlessness to God, and tell him of your desire to make yourself available to him in a consistent way so that he can do his transforming work in you.


From Sacred Rhythms, Chapter 9 by Ruth Hailey Barton


Partnering with the Spirit

Where do we go from here?

If you would like to engage these practices with a companion, explore what you are learning about yourself and God with a soul friend, or have help developing a rhythm of practice, or would like topic specific reading recommendations, email Jessica with your request.


Reclaim has copies of Ruth Hailey Barton's book Sacred Rhythms available for you if you wish to pursue a recommended read or would like to use her book as a resource for practices, reflections, and/or an extended guide to developing a rhythm of practice. Connect with Joel or Jessica at a Reclaim gathering.


Developing a Rhythm of Practice - Extended Guide

*This resource is from Chapter 9 of Sacred Rhythms and is offered in conjunction with Reclaim's purchase of Sacred Rhythms copies for the Reclaim Community. Please do not share this printable resource. If you have not yet received a copy of this book, connect with Joel or Jessica.


Explore More Practices - Coming Soon!​

A Benediction

May your response be to get down on your knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask God to strengthen you by the Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door to the invitation before you. And I ask that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! God does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, the Spirit deeply and gently within us. All glory to God! Amen!

(Adapted from Ephesians 3:14-21, MSG)

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